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He Zongman (1956-)
From:湖南省政府网 | Date Add in:2019-07-25 10:34:00 [A  A]


    He Zongman, a male with Han Nationality, was born in 1956 in Changning City, Hunan Province, graduated from Tsinghua University getting a Master’s Degree and now is the Associate Senior Editor. He once worked as the associate managing editor of the magazine, The Young, the vice president of Hunan Broadcast TV News, the vice president of Hunan Broadcast and TV Advertisement Company and Changsha Window of the World Company Limited, and the deputy commander of the Headquarter of the Construction Center of Broadcasting and TV Center which was attached to Hunan Broadcast and TV Bureau successively. He is now working as the Chairman of Hunan Literature Association, the Chairman of Hunan Calligrapher’s Association, a member of National Calligrapher’s Association, the Vice Chairman of National Hard-tipped Pen Calligrapher’s Association, the Honored Chairman of Hunan Young Calligrapher’s Association, the Honored Chairman of Hunan Young Hard-tipped Pen Calligrapher’s Association, the Honored Host of the West Hunan Calligraphy and Art Association (also called The Wild Wind of Five Streams), a member of the Standing Committee of Hunan Youngster Association, the representative of 9th Hunan People’s Congress and 11th Changsha People’s Congress.

    He had been to Germany, France, Spanish, Australia and 7 other countries in August and October 1995 and February 1997 to participate in several academic conferences which were about the philosophy of living and study. He could definitely be considered as a thinker with deep thoughts and experts in academic study.

    Two Calligraphy Work written by him, each one with a Chinese Character (one means longevity and the other luck), had been sold at very high price at auctions successively. Still writes diaries with writing brush now, He announced that he would donate all his handwritings to the Hunan Archives.



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