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Interview: U.S. makes wise choice to collaborate with China, says expert
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2023-11-18 17:15:52 [A  A]

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- It is wise for the U.S. government to establish normal trade relations and collaborate with China given the economic challenges in the United States and bilateral cooperation in history, according to an expert from Germany-based think tank Schiller Institute.


With the U.S. economy in sharp real decline, a spiraling national debt, and a financial bubble about to burst the banking system at any moment, it is wise for U.S. President Joe Biden to improve trade relations with China, and thus benefit from China as a vast export market, said Richard Black, The Schiller Institute representative at the United Nations in New York.


China and the United States had been cooperating well in history, Biden would be wise to learn from history and collaborate with China now and in the immediate future, Black told Xinhua on Wednesday.


"America was once famous for turning advanced science into industry and raising living standards of the people," he said. "This is what China is doing today."


Good collaboration between the two countries today is again possible, if Biden and his team, actively respect the one-China principle, and cease their belligerent and highly dangerous policies, said Black.


The U.S. administration will modify its belligerent actions toward China with regard to U.S. actions that violate the one-China principle, the application of economic sanctions, and attempts to cripple China's economic advancement, he said.


Black also called on the United States to engage in Belt and Road cooperation and support China in working as the UN Security Council's rotating presidency for November and in organizing an emergency international peace conference in regard to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. 

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