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Iran rejects U.S. accusations of involvement in attacks on vessels in Red Sea
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2023-12-05 19:26:44 [A  A]

TEHRAN, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday rejected U.S. accusations that Iran "has been behind a series of attacks by the Yemen-based Houthis" on several vessels in the Red Sea.


He made the remarks in an address to a weekly press conference in the Iranian capital Tehran, while reacting to the claims made in a statement by the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) on Sunday, in which it said Iran had "fully enabled four attacks launched by the Houthis on three commercial vessels in international waters in the southern Red Sea" on the same day.


The U.S. allegation came as the Houthi group claimed drone and missile attacks on two Israeli-linked vessels, Unity Explorer and Number 9, in the area, saying the attacks were "in response to the Yemeni people's demand and Muslim states' calls to stand with the Palestinian people."


Kanaani added Iran viewed the presence of CENTCOM forces in the region "has always disrupted peace and calm," stressing that the CENTCOM's claims had been made without any proof and were "worthless."


Kanaani emphasized that the decisions by the resistance group in the region were reacting to U.S. support for Israel, noting that "the continuation of crimes in Palestine will not go unanswered."


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