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Injured Palestinians in Tunisian hospitals to receive necessary care: president
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2023-12-05 19:27:18 [A  A]

TUNIS, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- Tunisian President Kais Saied said on Monday that all the injured Palestinians admitted to Tunisian hospitals will receive necessary treatment and return in good health to their homeland, according to the Tunisian presidency.


"We will use all the means and capabilities available to help you and those who were injured by the Israeli attack against Gaza," Saied told a Palestinian patient during his visit to one of the Tunisian hospitals receiving injured Palestinians.


Meanwhile, the president hailed the efforts of the medical teams in Palestine, saying they "have been working under bombings and in inhumane conditions."


"Tunisia will do everything possible to support the Palestinian people for their resistance to the Israeli invasion," he stressed.


Tunisia on Sunday received the first group of 20 wounded Palestinians, along with 21 family members, from the Gaza Strip for treatment.


More than 15,899 people have been killed and 42,000 others were injured in Gaza since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict on Oct. 7, according to the Gaza-based Health Ministry. 

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