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Hengnan County Held A Study Session to Promote Mass-line Education and Practice
From:e-Government | Date Add in:2016-10-10 14:46:00 [A  A]

On April 22nd night, Hengnan County held a study session to carry out the educational and practical activities of mass-line. The study session was hosed by Zou Xiaomin the deputy secretary of the CPC committee and the director of the county. He stressed that the activity schedule should be carefully controlled according to the suggestions give by the supervisors from the municipal government. The parts in which real modifications should be made should be completed at once. Certain deficiencies should be made up in time. The activity should be carried out carefully and firmly. Zou Xiaomin had also made working arrangements for the county government.  

  A movie named Jiao Yulu, which was about the diligent and responsible work done by a model CPC member named Jia Yulu, had also been put on in the study session. The suggestions from the superintends from the municipal government on the mass-line education and practice activities in the county have been read and introduced. The spirit of the speech made by Chairman Xi Jinping when he examined and directed the mass-line education and practice in Lankao County where was the place Jiao Yulu worked had been studied. All the members of the leading party group of the county government and the cadres of all levels have participated the study session. 

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289