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Municipal Bureau of Business and Grain Held the City
From:hy | Date Add in:2016-05-29 02:08:12 [A  A]

  On March 4th, the municipal Bureau of Business and Grain held the city's 2016 e-commerce symposium, on which they discussed how to improve the city's e-commerce work, how to spread e-commerce into rural areas and some other issues.Kang Xinsheng, Deputy Director Municipal Bureau, as well as the directors from Municipal Finance Bureau of Foreign Economic Division and all levels, some e-commerce enterpriser and head of relevant departments attended the meeting.
  During the meeting, bureaus at all levels presented their works respectively. Then they showed their work plans.Wan Yuyun, the head of Electronic Commerce Department, made an demonstration from the Hunan provincial Department of Commerce about the recognition and reporting of e-commerce Enterprise models in 2016.

  Kang stated the advantages and the prospects of the development in our city, discussed the significance in economy, analysed objectively the problems and solutions, shared the experiences of other cities,. Especially, he pointed out that we should treat the work putting electronic business into rural areas as the most important task, which required everyone to improve awareness, enhance confidence, work pragmaticaly, and speed up.                                                                                                                                          

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