A Report of the Tourism 2018 Dragon Boat Festival Holiday
From:衡阳新闻网 | Date Add in:2018-10-13 15:09:00 [A  A]

  In 2018, the Dragon Boat Festival holiday was celebrated in June 16-18. In this traditional festival, many foreign citizens went home for the festival, but also many foreign tourists came to travel in Hengyang in this holiday  with more tourists were received in the city's tourist attractions than usual. During the long holiday of Dragon Boat Festival, the tourism market of our city is safe, stable, civilized and orderly. A total of 1.114 million tourists were received,and tourism revenue reached 807 million yuan, up 27.29% and 49.44% respectively than the same period last year. The holiday tourism market presents the following characteristics:

  First, characterized tourism products. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, many scenic spots and tourist townships in our city launched a number of special holiday activities, attracting a large number of tourists to participate. For example, shuangshuiwan scenic spot introduced dumplings making, zongzi delivery, dragon boat racing, realgar wine drinking and other festival featured activities; million cherry garden scenic spot introduced zongzi eating competition, egg race; Hengdong, Hengshan, Hengyang and other counties and cities launched a number of traditional dragon boat races;  Zhangmu Township, Hengyang County, had attracted a large number of tourists and citizens through mass cultural and artistic performances, country concerts, photographic competitions, cycling activities, dragon boat races, Liren banquets, and local specialty exhibitions and sales and other cultural tourism activities .


  Second, the lasting fever of rural tourism  in surrounding areas. Many returnees look forward to seeing the changes in their hometown. Some families choose to go out for dinner, entertainment, fishing and so on. Business is booming in many rural tourist attractions in our city.In Hengdong Fengjiang Eco-tourism Park, Fengxian Hills, Ouyang Mountain villa,  Hongshan Blueberry Base in Hengnan, Hengshan Baiguo Town, Dianmen Town, Xuanzhou Town and other key rural tourism towns and scenic spots, the number of visitors received has increased to varying degrees. Tourism in the suburbs of urban and rural areas, tasting rural delicacies, tasting rural pastoral scenery, eating farm food, experiencing farm life, offer the many tourists the chance to experience the visual enjoyment of rural scenery, and at the same time, feel the joys of rural life.


  Third, significantly increasing  tourists' awareness of civilized tourism. During the festival, many departments in Hengyang has taken measures to carry out extensive publicity activities for civilized travel. At the same time, travel agencies and scenic spots are required to attach great importance to the festival of civilized tourism publicity and guidance, and actively carry out civilized tourism voluntary service activities. Through investigation, the overall civilization level of tourists during the Dragon Boat Festival has been significantly improved. Uncivilized phenomena such as random queue jumping, littering, talking loudly in public and destruction of cultural relics have been greatly reduced.

  Fourth, a safe and orderly tourism market. Before the festival, the whole city has inspected and rectified the tourist traffic, fire protection, food hygiene, recreational facilities and tourist safety in travelling attractions (spots)to effectively eliminate potential safety hazards.The supervision of the tourism market has been strengthened in an all-round way, special rectification of the tourism market and supervision and inspection of tourism safety were carried out to resolutely crack down on illegal business operations, forced consumption, unreasonable low prices, false advertising, fraudulent services and other illegal violations,  acts that disrupt the market order were promptly investigated and reported to ensure the safety and stability of the industry . Until the time when the information was submitted, there was no travel safety accident and serious accidents in our city. One complaint from the Provincial Tourism Development Commission and one from Nanyue tourists have been properly settled and the complaints was satisfactory to the results.


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