Investigation of Rural Tourism in Shigu District by Hengyang Municipal Tourism Bureau
From:衡阳新闻网 | Date Add in:2018-10-13 15:08:00 [A  A]

  On July 10, the director of Hengyang Tourism Bureau for oversea Chinese affairs led his team to investigate the construction and development of rural tourism in Shigu District. Liu Lang, deputy secretary and district governor of Shigu District Committee, took part in the investigation. The research team went to the rural tourism project sites, such as the rural tourism circle, Xiangzhang Garden, Xiaoxiang Rose Garden, Mountains,waters and Lotus garden, Yunfei Agricultureal garden, Qingyue Villa and so on, and listened to the detailed introduction of the project's early operation, planning and construction and development prospects.


  At the following meeting, XiangQian listened to the report of the development of rural tourism in Shigu District, and fully affirmed the development of rural tourism in Shigu District.He pointed out that Shigu District, rich in tourism resources, is necessary to do a good job in excavation planning, rural tourism, urban tourism, cultural tourism and research tourism. On how to strengthen and develop rural tourism in the next step, he put forward a series of targeted suggestions from the planning and designing, infrastructure building, product layout, industrial development, toilet revolution, residential development, personnel training and other aspects.


  It is learned that in recent years, Shigu District has made the development of rural tourism an important part of the region's tourism development with the goal of "building a new leisure tourism plateau in the suburbs of Hengyang City", and five major projects, namely, leading the rural tourism planning, perfecting the infrastructure, building high-quality products, expanding the market and cultivating talents, have been steadily promoted in Shigu District, forming a concerted awareness and atmosphere in whole region to work together for tourism. Since 2017, rural tourism in the whole region has shown great vitality. In 2017, tourism revenue in the region reached four billion forty-seven million yuan, and the number of tourist was 4 million 139 thousand and 500.Till the end of May this year, tourism revenue reached 2 billion 149 million yuan, and the number of tourist was 2 million 564 thousand and 500.


  Zhu Hongbo, Standing Committee member of Shigu District Committee and Minister of United Front, chaired the meeting. Wu Ying, Vice-District Director, reported on the development of rural tourism in Shigu District.

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289