Residence Affairs
Residence Permit Application Instruction for Foreigners to Invest, Work, Teach, Perform in Hunan
From:湖南省人民政府网 | Date Add in:2017-11-28 15:06:00 [A  A]

1. Official documents issued by the applicant's working unit (the basic information of the applicant, reason for application, content of application, application duration are all required); 
2. Applicants' original and copy of valid passport, visa, and arrival record; 
3. Two recently taken 2-inch photos (full face without hat);
4. Foreign investor, employee and teacher shall submit Foreigner Employment Permit or Foreign Expert Certificate and its copy;
5. The performer shall submit the performance approval document issued by the Ministry of Culture and its authorized Provincial Department of Culture;
6. Since the entry of the country, the applicant applying for residence permit for the first time shall submit health certificate of overseas people (only for adults at or above the age of 18); 
7. Fill completely in Visa and Residence Permit Application Form; 
8. Submit Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors; 
9. Other documents if public security department deems are necessary.
1. Processing Time Limit: application materials submitted, the processing should be handled within 5 working days. Reviewing time is excluded from the commitment time.
2. Office Address: Office Address: Southwest side of the intersection of Xiangzhang Road and Guitang Road, Yuhua District, Changsha(长沙市雨花区香樟路与圭塘路交汇处西南侧)
Buses: No. 63, No. 68, No. 159, No. 167, No. 802, No. 805.
Bus Stop: Outangpo Station in Xiangzhang Road (藕塘坡站)
3. Office Hours: Monday-Friday (except holidays) Morning: 9:00-12:00; Afternoon: 13:00-17:00
4. Tel: 0731-82290001;0731-82587623

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