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National People's Congress Representative Chen Lin: A Bridge to Connect Ordinary People
From:衡阳新闻网 | Date Add in:2023-12-02 22:36:26 [A  A]

Hengyang News Network reporter Tang Jiahua reported.  "It is really not easy for people's representatives to truly achieve 'organizational trust and people's satisfaction' for the people.”said Chen Lin, deputy to Hengyang Municipal People's Congress, member of the Procuratorate Committee of Leiyang Municipal People's Procuratorate, and the head of the Fifth Procuratorate Department, deputies to the National People's Congress . To her , these are not glorious title, but honor,  and a heavy responsibility.

In 2023, it is Chen Lin's 23rd year entering the procuratorial work. In 2016, she was elected as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress. As a prosecutor, we bear the sacred responsibility of strengthening legal supervision and maintaining fairness and justice; as a representative of the National People's Congress, we are a bridge between the government and the ordinary people! "Chen Lin said, the dual identity of a representative of the National People's Congress and a prosecutor makes us more motivated in our work, providing more opportunities to do practical things and good deeds for the people, and carrying heavier responsibilities.

On the morning of November 3, 2017, a video from Chen Lin's WeChat Moments caught her attention. Chen saw a shocking and tragic scene in the video, in which two fierce dogs were biting an elderly person and a child. The widespread dissemination of the video has caused extreme panic among the local people in Leiyang.

After seeing the video, Chen fell into deep thought. How should we regulate raising dogs at home? How to ensure the safety of people's lives and property? The dual identities of the National People's Congress representative and prosecutor made Chen Lin unable to ignore the occurrence of the incident. Her sacred sense of responsibility drove her to read through many legal provisions with doubts. She found that there is a legal gap in the management of urban dog ownership, and the supervision of urban dog ownership is unclear. The responsibilities of various functional departments are unclear, which poses huge risks to the lives, health, and safety of the people.

Therefore, she issued a procuratorial proposal to the animal husbandry and aquatic products department on the issue of canine epidemic prevention management responsibilities, suggesting that it should take this vicious dog injury incident as a warning to strengthen the supervision of dog registration and canine epidemic prevention in Leiyang City, and suggested that it should take the lead, jointly with the public security, urban management and other departments, to issue the implementation rules of canine management in the city as soon as possible, to form a normalized management mechanism to ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

From 2018 to 2019, Chen Lin put forward the proposal of "Regulations on the Promotion of Dog Raising Management" at the Hengyang People's Congress for two consecutive years. Once the proposal was put forward, the Standing Committee of Hengyang People's Congress paid great attention to it. Under the vigorous promotion and continuous supervision of the Standing Committee of Hengyang Municipal People's Congress, the Standing Committee of Hengyang Municipal People's Congress formulated and promulgated the Regulations of Hengyang City on Patriotic Health, which made provisions on dog breeding management, such as dog breeding registration and dog license system, prohibition of breeding large dogs and dogs with strong temper, and administrative punishment for breeding dogs in violation of regulations, and standardized dog breeding behavior from the legal level. The promulgation and implementation of the "Regulations" have made it possible for civilized and standardized dog breeding to have laws to follow, and violations must be prosecuted.

As a prosecutor and a representative of the National People's Congress, Chen Lin actively fulfills her dual responsibilities, plays a dual role, adheres to the "dual wheel drive" of procuratorial public interest litigation and the recommendation of the National People's Congress representative, and strives to transform institutional advantages into governance efficiency. Therefore, she proposed to the Standing Committee of Hengyang Municipal People's Congress to explore the establishment of the linkage between NPC supervision and procuratorial public interest litigation.

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
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