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Guori Hotel
From:衡阳党政门户网 | Date Add in:2018-11-19 20:00:00 [A  A]

About Us

  Subordinated to State Tax Bureau in Hengyang, Guori Hotel is located in the interchange of the bustling Zhengxiang Road and Changsheng Road. The transportation nearby is convenient. People can take the No.9, No.22, No.24, No.28, No.29 and No.31 bus on the gate of hotel and can take the No.24 bus to the train station. There are 700 meters away from the bus station.

  The hotel is seven-storey high, with 44 rooms, 98 beds divided into luxury type and ordinary type, 7 fancy restaurants and KTV which can receive more than 200 people dining at the same time. There are 7 big and small conference rooms, which are available to be used to hold small and medium-sized meetings. There are also equipped with music teahouse, program-controlled telephones, hairdressing department, dry cleaning department, health center and a large parking field.
  We promise to welcome you with excellent service, reasonable fees, safe and sanitary conditions, and wish you all the best.

Address: No.6, Changsheng West Road, Hengyang
General Manager: Deng Ting 13807349979 8836699
Information desk: 8833899
Phone: 8833699 8833799
Fax: 8836099

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289