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Wuhu City
From:芜湖政府网 | Date Add in:2022-07-18 10:45:51 [A  A]

Wuhu is one of the key cities under the development plan of the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in China. It is also a hub in the Industrial Transfer Demonstration Zone of the Wanjiang City Belt, and an important city in the Self-reliant and Innovative Demonstration Zone of Hefei-Wuhu-Bengbu, in the Southern Anhui International Cultural Tourism Demonstration Zone, in Hefei Metropolitan Circle and in G60 Sci-Tech Corridor. The economic aggregate of Wuhu ranks second in Anhui Province.

In recent years, Wuhu has won many prestigious titles, such as National Civilized City, Pilot City of Innovation, E-commerce Demonstration City, Information Consumption Demonstration City, Model City for Land and Resources Conservation and Intensive Utilization, Model City for Double Support of People and Army. Besides, Wuhu is also a picturesque and charming garden city with wide coverage of green belt, sound water ecology and countless imaginative sculptures. No wonder Wuhu has been awarded “China Habitat Environment Example Prize” four times, and selected as one of the 40 most successful cities on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of China’ reform and opening up, not to mention being screened as one of the top 100 cities in digital economy.

Wuhu as a city values the spirit of “openness, honesty, practicality and innovation”, and the visiting card of Wuhu reads: A Pearl of the Yangtze River, A City of Innovation. 

Wuhu Train Station

Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge

Jiuzi Scenic Spot

Riverside Park

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289