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BRI cooperation framework for disaster response to be launched: official
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2023-11-14 22:15:32 [A  A]

BEIJING, Nov. 14 (Xinhua) -- Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) participating countries are expected to announce the establishment of an international cooperation framework for disaster risk reduction and emergency management at a forum to be held this week in Beijing.


Liu Weimin, head of the department of international cooperation and response of the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM), made the remarks at a press conference on Tuesday.


Liu said that the BRI ministerial forum on disaster risk reduction and emergency management cooperation will be held on Thursday, with nearly 80 institutions of about 70 countries, regions, and international organizations participating online, and representatives of some 30 countries and international organizations attending on the site.


China will announce measures to support the building of the cooperation mechanism in various fields such as skills training, rescue, publicity, and bilateral and multilateral cooperation, he said.


The MEM will officially publish a BRI countries disaster evaluation report at the forum, according to Liu.

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