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5th World Media Summit adopts Kunming Initiative
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2023-12-05 19:22:05 [A  A]

KUNMING, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- Representatives attending the fifth World Media Summit (Yunnan, China) have adopted the Kunming Initiative at the opening of the summit on Tuesday.


The fifth World Media Summit (Yunnan, China), held in the city of Kunming, southwest China's Yunnan Province, was attended by more than 300 representatives of around 80 institutions, including media outlets, international organizations and think tanks, from nearly 30 countries and regions.


According to the Kunming Initiative for the fifth World Media Summit, the representatives conducted extensive and in-depth discussions under the theme of "Boosting Global Confidence, Promoting Media Development." They analyzed the opportunities and challenges faced by the world media industry in the digital era, explored the role and responsibility of the media in promoting economic and social development, and discussed how to better tell the story of human development and promote common development of the world.


The initiative says global media should uphold the concept of a community of all life on Earth, follow the ecological progress and sustainable development of all countries, promote the values that the environment benefits the people, and encourage the international community to jointly build a homeland of harmony between human and nature, coordinated advancement of economy and the environment, and common development of all countries.


Also, global media can be good narrators of the stories of cities and enterprises, display the national image from different perspectives, and promote exchanges and interactions of different cultures and resonance of different values, the initiative says.


It says the media should make rational use of 5G, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other information revolution development achievements, innovate news collection and dissemination models, accelerate intelligent and digital transformation, and continue to promote the economic and social development of countries worldwide.


The representatives believe that the summit has enhanced mutual understanding, deepened friendships, consolidated consensus, and will promote global media cooperation to address challenges and achieve mutually beneficial development.


The fifth World Media Summit (Yunnan, China), which runs from Dec. 4 to 8, is co-hosted by Xinhua News Agency and the Yunnan provincial government.

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