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Vice presidents of China, Brazil co-chair COSBAN meeting
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2024-06-07 15:01:18 [A  A]

BEIJING, June 6 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Vice President Han Zheng on Thursday held talks with Vice President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Geraldo Alckmin and they co-chaired the seventh meeting of the China-Brazil High-level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (COSBAN) in Beijing.

Han said that under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China and Brazil have been firmly supporting each other on issues concerning each other's core interests, taking win-win cooperation as the driving force, constantly deepening political mutual trust and strengthening strategic coordination. Cooperation in various fields such as economy, trade and aerospace has achieved tangible results, setting an example of South-South cooperation.

China and Brazil are major developing countries and important members of BRICS with broad common interests, Han said. China has always viewed and developed its relations with Brazil from a strategic height and long-term perspective and placed bilateral relations at a diplomatic priority.

Han called on both sides to further strengthen strategic communication and deepen mutually beneficial friendship and pragmatic cooperation.

Alckmin said Brazil-China relations go beyond the bilateral scope and have strategic significance and global influence. Brazil attaches great importance to developing relations with China and is willing to take the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the COSBAN mechanism as a new starting point to further strengthen communication and coordination with China, and deepen and expand exchanges and cooperation in various fields, to elevate bilateral relations to a new height.

Brazil is willing to closely coordinate and cooperate with China in multilateral platforms such as the United Nations, the G20, and BRICS to jointly safeguard multilateralism, Alckmin said.

Han and Alckmin listened to the diverse topics shared by the heads of the relevant departments of the two countries on trade, new industrialization, political relations, agriculture and animal husbandry, financial policies, infrastructure and other topics, as well as the work reports of 11 sub-committees and the China-Brazil Business Council, and spoke highly of the positive results achieved in cooperation in various fields.

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