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With the 63rd World Meteorological Day coming, more than 30 college students experience the mystery of meteorology firsthand
From:衡阳市政府门户网址 | Date Add in:2023-03-26 22:15:32 [A  A]

March 23 is the 63rd "World Meteorological Day". This yar, our theme is "Weather, Climate, and Water, through generations to the future". On the day, more than 30 college students from Hunan Environmental Biology Vocational and Technical College went to the Municipal Meteorological Early Warning Center, visited the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, learned about the process of producing forecasts, and received meteorological science education personally. 

At 9 a.m. on March 23, college students came to the Municipal Meteorological Early Warning Center to participate in the lecture titled "Approaching Meteorological Science" held by the Municipal Meteorological Bureau. The staff there explained to them about meteorological knowledge, meteorological hazard warning, defensive measures, and other knowledge which are closely related to life. Meanwhile, the staff handed out meteorological science popularization publicity materials on the spot. Under the guidance of the staff members, they visited the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, the Automatic Meteorological Observation Station, and the New Era Civilization Practice Centers of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau. Through this activity, students learned about the method of producing forecasts and the working principles and functions of modern weather observation instruments, and see the mysteries of meteorology. 

In addition, the staff also introduced a series of meteorological characteristic volunteer services launched by the Municipal Meteorological Bureau, such as "Meteorological Calamity Prevention and Mitigation", "Meteorological Strengthening Agriculture", and "Meteorological Science Popularization" to the college students. The responsible person of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau said that the introduction of various forms of science popularization activities has aroused students' interest in natural science. At the same time, the Municipal Meteorological Bureau encouraged every citizen to take action to scientifically respond to climate change and maintain climate security.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
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