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Staff of Archives, Culture and Museum Management Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University come to Leiyang to research red cultural resources
From:衡阳市政府门户网址 | Date Add in:2023-03-26 22:19:08 [A  A]

Recently, a delegation led by Ou Qijin, deputy director, doctor, and researcher of Archives, Culture and Museum Management Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University came to Hengyang to research red cultural resources, strengthen the cooperation between the university and local sides, deepen the joint construction and sharing of information resources on historical Party personages. Xie Hong, Director of the Party History Research Office of the Hengyang Municipal Party Committee, and Guo Xingzhong, member of the Standing Committee and Directer of the Leiyang Municipal Party Committee, participated.

The research team has successively visited the Leiyang Special Museum, Peilanzhai, the former residence of Martyr Zhong Senrong, and the Party History Research Office of the Leiyang Municipal Committee of the CPC for the Southern Hunan Uprising. Through field visits, data access, discussion exchange, the team has gained a detailed understanding of the protection, development, and utilization of red resources in our city, as well as Party history research. At the same time, the university and local sides have also had a discussion on the collection, exploration and utilization of the historical data of Martyr Zhong Senrong, an Alumni of Jiaotong University from Leiyang.

The group stated that Leiyang’s rich red resources and profound revolutionary history and culture have left a deep impression on them. Zhong Senrong is not only a famous revolutionary martyr in Leiyang, but also a hero in the history of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has high historical research value in promoting the research and exploration of information about revolutionary red character. The two sides will give full play to the advantages of university professionals and publishing, as well as the rich resources of local Party history materials, precious clan and oral history. They will work together to explore new ways, new ideas, and new models for cooperation between university cultural museums and local Party history.

Translator: Jing

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