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The list of the top 100 counties in central China in 2023 is released, with four counties of Hengyang on the list
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2023-11-19 10:30:24 [A  A]

On November 14, CCID Consulting County Economic Research Center released the "2023 Research on the Top 100 Central County Economies" in Beijing, with 20 from Hunan Province, and Hengyang occupies four seats, namely Leiyang City, Changning City, Hengyang County, and Hengnan County.

As for the ranking, Leiyang City ranked 73rd, achieving a regional GDP of 44.525 billion yuan in 2022, Changning ranked 82nd, 43.001 billion yuan in 2022,, Hengyang County ranked 87th, 42.077 billion yuan in 2022, and Hengnan County ranked 88th, 41.427 billion yuan in 2022, with a year-on-year increase of 5.2%, 5.1%, 5.2% and 5.4% respectively.

It is known that the "2023 Research on the Top 100 Central County Economies" is based on the connotation of high-quality development of the county economy, and is set up from the four dimensions of economic strength, growth potential, affluence, and green level, and aims to scientifically constructs an evaluation system for the high-quality development of the county economy in central China. Then there forms the "2023 CCID Top 100 Central Counties List". Among them, according to the economic development level of the central counties in 2022, in order to better reflect the quality and efficiency of development, a double threshold for the evaluation of the top 100 in central China with “GDP ≥ 35 billion yuan and general public budget revenue ≥ 1 billion yuan" has been established.

Translator: Jing

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