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Wang Yan investigates the 4A tourist base project of health preserving and rehabilitation with traditional Chinese medicine in Hengyang Branch of Guhan Group
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2023-11-19 10:32:17 [A  A]

On the afternoon of November 14, Wang Yan, the secretary of Party Committee of Yanfeng District, came to the Hengyang Branch of Guhan Group to investigate the TCM tourism project. The director of the Standing Committee of the District Peoples Congress Jiang Dahong jointly participated in it.

At the meeting, Wang Yan listened carefully to the design program of the spots and discussed  with some relevant leaders from Hengyang International Travel Service Company, Hengyang Association of Travel Agencies, Hengyang Branch of Hunan Overseas Travel Agency, Hengyang Branch of China International Travel Service Co., Ltd., Runzhu Culture and Art Media Company and so on.

After listening to the report, she highlighted that in order to turn industrial areas into scenic spots, firstly, we would continuously accelerate the construction of tourist infrastructure, further perfect the tourist and bus routes in the scenic areas, and enable visitors to feel satisfied. Second, we would turn heritages into assets, which means advancing traditional Chinese medicine culture through searching essence from rich heritages. Creation of super IP, Madam Xin Zhui and her related cultural and creative products. Third, we would also transform ordinary products into knock-out products by telling Chinese stories, adopting ads, making use of social influence of celebrities and creating cultural and creative content, to actively invigorate a series of products of Guhan Group and enhance its credibility. In addition, the company would set up a service platform which offers immersive experience with well-known traditional Chinese medicine experts to convert tourists into customers. It could be a good way to promote TCM culture and help gain a sense of trust from people. Last, we would strive to design specific travel routes for target groups like study trips for teenagers, health trips for the elderly and experiential trips for families. Also, we would spare no efforts to deeply exploit and enrich cultural tourism activities, enhance brand awareness and influence to help the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Translator: Jing


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