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Hengyang Taiyuan Wulian "made its debut at the China International Agricultural Products Fair and received high praise
From:衡阳新闻网 | Date Add in:2023-11-19 19:26:30 [A  A]

Hengyang News Network Correspondent Chen Shuxia, Luo Chenxi, and Reporter Tang Jiahua reported. From November 9th to November 12th, the 20th China International Agricultural Products Fair (hereinafter referred to as the "Farmers' Fair") with the theme of "Striving for a New Journey, Strengthening Agriculture and Promoting Revitalization" was held in Qingdao.

As a national geographical indication product and green food, "Hengyang Taiyuan Wulian" has made a surprise debut, marking the first time that Hengyang County's agricultural products have participated in the "National Brand" Agricultural Trade Fair.

The exhibition site was packed with people with warm atmosphere. The exhibiting company Hengyang Deyuan Lianye also actively promoted characteristic products, opened up channels, and sought cooperation opportunities on this platform. The participants can experience green products and taste the flavor of Hunan through trial eating and purchasing.

“Our Wulian has received high praise, with over half of the visiting customers specifying to purchase 'Wulian from Hengyang County' products. The customers who tried it on site felt particularly good, and many buyers from Beijing, Shandong, and other places have arranged to visit the base in the near future! "Wang Hou, the pioneer of the second rural revitalization youth in Hunan Province and the person in charge of Hengyang Deyuan Lotus Industry Company, introduced that the production and sales coordination at the exhibition site is hot. We have reached million level intentional orders with multiple supply chain companies.

It is reported that as Wulian seeds produced by the enterprise are plump, powdery but not greasy, sweet and fragrant in taste, rich in nutrients widely popular in the market and in short supply. Last year, the company produced 13000 tons of Wulian and other products, with sales exceeding 100 million yuan.

In recent years, by vigorously developing characteristic industries around the cultivation, production, and processing of Wulian, Hengyang County has established a professional processing base for Wulian based on the development concept of "order production, standard planting, high-quality processing, and brand marketing".

At present, Hengyang County has 23 Wulian processing and sales enterprises. Among them, there is one provincial-level leading enterprise and four Hengyang city level leading enterprises. 15000 acres of Xianglian are planted in the county, with an annual processing and sales volume of about 20,000 tons of shell lotus. The total output value of Xianglian is nearly 1 billion yuan. In 2021, Donghusi Village (Wulian) in Taiyuan Town, Hengyang County was recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as the eleventh batch of national "one village, one product" demonstration villages and towns, and was recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a national rural characteristic industry village worth one billion yuan in 2021.

“We will do a good job in local specialties, further seize digital opportunities, integrate Internet plus thinking, establish a smart production, marketing, supervision, and service system for characteristic agricultural products, and empower high-quality development of agriculture through e-commerce, live streaming, and other means, "said the relevant person in charge of the Hengyang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau.

It is reported that the Agricultural Trade Fair is a large-scale agricultural industry event approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, and hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. It is the most authoritative and internationally influential comprehensive agricultural event in China. This year's Agricultural Trade Fair has attracted nearly 3000 enterprises from 18 countries and regions to participate, and over 10000 brand agricultural products have appeared.

“As the saying goes, good wine also needs  brush.  This is our first time participating in the Farmers' Fair. We hope to use the Fair as an international window to polish the golden signboard of 'Hengyang Taiyuan Wulian', seize opportunities, polish the brand, and revitalize the industry! "remarked the relevant person in charge of the Hengyang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau.


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