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Wang Fang: Tell the Story of Nanyue to the World
From:衡阳新闻网 | Date Add in:2023-11-15 19:34:08 [A  A]

Wang Qianwen, a reporter from Hengyang News Network, reported. Over the years, Wang Fang, a representative of the People's Congress of Hengyang City, president of the New Social Stratum Association of Nanyue District, and general manager of Hunan Yidao Project Management Company, has fully utilized her professional advantages, contributed wisdom to the development of Hengyang's cultural and tourism industry, helped attract new business formats, innovatively spread the new image of Nanyue's tourism, and actively took on the mission of contriving new ideas, attracting new businesses, making new voices, and creating new appearances for the development of Hengyang and Nanyue's cultural and tourism industry. 

When arriving at Shuilian Village in Nanyue District, the reporter saw Wang Fang discussing the operation of the paraglider project with Zhu Yongzhan, the general manager of the paraglider base. It is reported that the project has become a new hot spot in Nanyue tourism since its opening in July this year. “We are delighted to see that the new business model has brought new changes to traditional tourist attractions such as Hengshan in Nanyue, which is particularly attractive to young tourists.” said Wang

In order to expand the development landscape, Wang Fang took the initiative to propose a series of forward-looking and innovative projects in the investment field, including high-end campsites, paragliding, dining and tourism complexes, cute pet parks, academies, cultural and creative venues, and themed courtyards. Among them, the glider project in Shuilian Village, Nanyue District, has attracted the attention of countless outdoor enthusiasts and young tourists. The rapid rise of Nanyue's "Blue Sky Tour" has injected new impetus into Nanyue's tourism industry.

Zhu Yongzhan told reporters that the entire team has been committed to the investment, construction, and professional operation of new cultural and tourism formats. The goal of the Hengshan Parachute Camp in Nanyue is to become a new business card for Hengyang tourism and lead the new trend of Nanyue tourism.

In addition to her active role in tourism business, Wang Fang is also a disseminator of Nanyue culture. In March of this year, at the Hunan "Book Fragrance and People's Progress" Monthly Reading Sharing Conference (Hengyang Station) held at Chuanshan Academy, Wang Fang shared the "Collection of Nanyue Singing Rewards", which made more people understand and love the cultural heritage of Nanyue and strengthened their confidence in the historical and cultural business card of Nanyue Hengshan in Hunan. She said, "It is an unshirkable mission and honor for our generation to read about the Nanyue with our passion and confidence, tell the stories of the  Nanyue to ourselves first, to our next generation, to the 60 million children of Hunan, to the world, to perpetuate the classics.

Wang Fang is well aware of the responsibility of being a representative of the Municipal People's Congress and has fully integrated his professional advantages and enthusiasm into his work as a representative. Since being elected as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress, Wang Fang has put forward suggestions such as "accelerating the construction of a national demonstration zone for integrated health and wellness development led by Nanyue" and "accelerating the high-quality development of world-class cultural and tourism destinations in Hengyang". Among them, the "Suggestions on Promoting the Implementation and Implementation of the" Cultural and Tourism Economy Singing in Hengyang "was rated as an excellent suggestion for 2022, fully demonstrating her profound thinking and innovative views on the development of the cultural and tourism industry, and highlighting her responsibility and feelings for accelerating the construction of a cultural and tourism industry chain in Hengyang.

Wang Fang stated that as a representative of the National People's Congress, we must shoulder the mission of "the glimmer of Yancheng, the spark of Nanyue". We must start our own businesses in our hometown, and then use ourselves as a model to attract and drive more social elites to pay attention to Hengyang, invest and start businesses in Hengyang, and provide new ideas for the development of our hometown, attract new businesses, establish a new appearance, and make a new voice.

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
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