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Hengyang State-Owned Investment Group Ltd. holds a promotion meeting for the new energy vehicles of Leopaard
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2023-12-03 14:33:40 [A  A]

On November 30, Hengyang State-Owned Investment Group Ltd. held a product promotion for the new energy vehicles of Leopaard, the general manager of Leoppard Jiang Huaping anchored the meeting. Zhang Yumin, the secretary of Party Committee and chairman of Leopaard powerfully expressed that, “I sincerely speak for the new energy automobile of Leopaard”.

Leopaard Automobile is the only well-known brand that offers self-produced cars in Hunan Province and it also deemed as the newbornof Hengyangs automobile industry. The three vehicles products, practical, all-round and luxury types, have been officially mass-produced and listed. At the same time, the sales volume has been fine so far and has become favored choices of consumers with excellent technology, rich configuration and affordable price. A manager of Zhi Ma company (a subsidiary company of Hengyang State-Owned Investment Group Ltd.) said in the conference.

Quite frankly, there are four reasons why I advocate for the Leopaard new energy vehicles: more than 70 yearsprecipitation technology, comfort-based automobile space that is affordable, reassuring and comfortable, high cost performance that gives customers better value (especially the promotion in local Hengyang), convenient procedures and considerate door-to-door service. Zhang Yumin highlighted. He also wished that those share holding, share participating companies could jointly advertise and promote the vehicles, and contact with each other to contribute to the high-quality development of completed car producing and the prosperity of automotive industry in Hengyang City.

In the end, representatives of subsidiary companies took some test drives in new energy vehicles one group by another.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289