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Zhu Xia, a “new farmer” of Hengyang, has made it to the list on which there are only 10 people across the country
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2023-12-03 14:35:18 [A  A]

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs have jointly issued The Decision on Celebrating the Second National Youth Pioneers in Rural Revitalization. 10 people have won the title of Model of Second National Youth Pioneer in Rural Revitalizationand 380 people have won the title of Second National Youth Pioneer in Rural Revitalization, of which, Zhu Xia from Taijiu Village, Taiyuan Town, Hengyang County won the title of Model of Second National Youth Pioneer in Rural Revitalization.

Zhu Xia was born in 1989 in Taijiu Village, Taiyuan Town, Hengyang County. In 2017, Zhu Xia resigned from her job as a teacher and returned to her hometown to work as a "new farmer" with her father, who is a major grain producer in Hunan Province. Zhu Xia, an "agricultural novice", was determined to prove herself with practical actions. So she asked her father for advice on traditional agricultural skills while acquiring modern "agricultural knowledge" from books and the Internet. On the basis of expanding the original cultivated land area, Zhu Xia transferred 1,300 mu (about 214.16 acres) of land to the neighboring Xijiang Township to increase the total farmland area of the company to more than 5,000 mu(about 823.68 acres). In order to save labor costs and improve production efficiency, Zhu Xia has purchased several intelligent agricultural machines such as rice transplanters, rotary cultivators and dryers, and built a seedling raising plant and rice processing plant, to form a new modern food production line.

Through exploration, Zhu Xia shifted successfully from the role of a traditional grain grower to that of an entrepreneur under the modern enterprise system, calling on villagers to "help them to grow crops if they have spare land, provide guidance if they lack technology, purchase their products if they have, and provide machinery if they lack." With producing grain according to grain orders, the " Every Village Plants at Least One Rice Crop" of rice planting was promoted, and both the big grain grower and small grain growers worked together. Therefore, Taijiu Village effectively stopped the attempt to use cropland for purposes other than agriculture and specifically grain production, realized the zero abandonment of 20,000 mu (about 3294.74 acres) of cultivated land and the double cropping rice to increase both the quantity and efficiency. The rice field multiple cropping index reached more than 1.9.

In 2020, Zhu Xia was elected member of the general Party branch and director of the village committee of Taijiu village with a landslide. In 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs awarded Zhu Xia the title of "National Advanced Individual in Grain Production". In October 2022, Zhu Xia attended the 20th CPC National Congress as a young Party member. In 2023, she was supported by the 2023 "National Top 10 Farmers" project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

After several years of efforts, Hunan Jia Sui Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., led by Zhu Xia, has a professional farming team of more than 70 people, more than half of whom are young people under the age of 35. She hopes to continue to take deep roots in the countryside and attract more young people to the countryside to build the new beautiful countryside.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
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