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Zhu Jian visits Hengnan County to inspect the implementation of the development strategy of “build the city through manufacturing and make it flourish through culture and tourism”
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2023-12-05 22:11:20 [A  A]

December 2, Zhu Jian, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the mayor of Hengyang, paid a visit to Hengnan to inspect the implementation of the development strategy of “build the city through manufacturing and make it flourish through culture and tourism”. He pointed out that while staying committed to the blueprint of “Three Hubs and Four Missions” (focus on building the national advanced manufacturing hub, innovative technological hub and reform and opening-up hub ad well as making progress in high-quality development, high-quality development paradigm and Yangtze-river economic belt so as to write a new chapter for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era),we should continuously promote the strategy of “build the city through manufacturing and make it flourish through culture and tourism”, accelerate the building of modernized industrial system, and make great progress in targeted investment attraction and the development of backbone enterprises so as to provide solid support for the process of regional centralization in Hengyang.

The 5G technological industrial park of TBEA Co., Ltd. is a fine example of Hengnan countys advanced manufacturing. Zhu Jian and his colleagues inspected the production workshops of Hunan Guochuang Electric Power Co., Ltd., Cloud Electricity and Technology Co., Ltd., Cloud High Technology Co., Ltd., and Hunan Electric Co., Ltd., where he was informed of the corporate structure, technological research and development, the expansion of production and capacity as well as the building of the facilities related to the employeeslives. He emphasized the need to spend more on corporate technological development, increase innovation incentives and build the state- and provincial-level research and development centers that play an leading role in its industry as we strive to strengthen corporate core competency.

Bingjie Mechanical and Electrical Technology (Hunan) Co., Ltd is an enterprise started by an entrepreneur who returned to Hengyang. It focuses on the research and development, design, production and sales of machine tool supporting electronic control system technology and has taken the lead in this industry at home. Zhu Jian had an on-site inspection of the corporate product development, production and so on, encouraged enterprises to speed up the digital transformation, and continued to open the market, expand the scale so as to better support the construction of hometown.

When visiting the Hunan Sanyi Precision Technology Co., Ltd., Zhujian learned that the enterprise will use the new plant to introduce an upstream enterprise. He immediately asked Hennan County to seize the opportunity of "attracting business investment with business", take the initiative to contact the upstream enterprises, and promote the early landing and operation of the project through providing temporary plant. This will help make the two enterprises stronger.

On that afternoon, Zhu Jian also came to the Shiniu Shanshui Scenic Area and Gui Yuan and researched the construction and operation of two cultural tourism scenic spots. He stressed that we should vigorously support the investment of cultural tourism industry, expedite the building of the Shiniu Shanshui Scenic Area and combine it with the Yumu Mountain to build them as the back garden of the city center. It is also important to strengthen the publicity of Gui Yuan, make good use of the only provincial-level national security education base to better support the national security education for teenagers and build unique Hengnan cultural tourism.

Deputy Mayor Xie Hong and the Secretary General of the Municipal Government Liao Yizhi attended the inspection.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289