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The Second Workers’ Dragon Boat Race in Hengyang City kicks off with a spectacular opening, announced by Liu Yuegao
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2024-06-04 15:17:32 [A  A]

To vigorously implement the development strategy of "Manufacturing Prospers the City, Cultural Tourism Flourishes the city," and to support the successful hosting of the Third Hunan Tourism Development Conference in our city, the "Manufacturing Prospers the City, I Contribute; Cultural Tourism Flourishes, I Strive" Second Workers' Dragon Boat Race in Hengyang City was held in the Xiangjiang River's Hejiangtao water area on the morning of June 2nd. Liu Yuegao, the secretary of the municipal Party committee, declared the opening of the race, and Liu Zaiheng, a member of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Party Committee and vice chairman, attended and jointly presented awards to the winning teams.


Around 8 o'clock in the morning, crowds had already gathered on both sides of the Xiangjiang River's Hejiangtao water area, eagerly awaiting the start of the race. The scene was spectacular, with lots of people.


Before the race began, leaders such as Liu Yuegao and Liu Zaiheng were present to dot the participating dragon boats with red markings. Referees and athlete representatives made pre-race pledges.


The drums and horns of the dragon boats resonated in the sky, each striving to surge forward. At 9:08 am, as Liu Yuegao announced the official start of the "Manufacturing Prospers the City, I Contribute; Cultural Tourism Flourishes, I Strive" Second Workers' Dragon Boat Race in Hengyang City, the referee struck the starting gong, and the river immediately echoed with the thunderous sound of drums. The competitors were spirited and coordinated, with each dragon boat swiftly gliding across the water like arrows leaving a bow. Spectators on both sides cheered for the competing teams, immersing themselves in the unique charm of the dragon boat race.


It is reported that the dragon boat race consisted of 6 tracks and was conducted in three rounds of heats. Each round was divided into 3 groups, with 6 teams per group. Points were awarded based on the ranking of each round's results, and the points from all three rounds were totaled to determine the final ranking of each team. Six national-level technical officials and 56 assistant referees ensured fair play, while 462 team members from 18 dragon boat teams braved the waves to strive for the lead. After nearly two hours of intense competition, the Yulin Xiongfeng Dragon Boat Team from Hengyang County was crowned champions, followed by the Huaxiang Dragon Boat Team from Hengdong County in second place, and the Wenhua'ao Dragon Boat Team from Hengshan County in third place.


In his speech, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Lai Xin expressed that the inheritance of history requires "dragon boat culture," and Hengyang's development calls for the "spirit of dragon boats." Looking forward to the vast journey of the new era, he hoped that the vast majority of workers in the city would consciously take Xi Jinping's important speeches and instructions on Hunan as a guide, take the dragon boat competition as an opportunity, take the dragon boat athletes as examples, and strengthen their determination to forge ahead against the wind. We should gather the power of progress, demonstrate the mission and responsibility of steadfastly moving forward, think and act together, strive tenaciously, dare to be pioneers, work together, and unite as one to actively engage in the vigorous practice of regional centralization in Hengyang. We should also implement the development strategy of "Manufacturing Prospers the City, Cultural Tourism Flourishes the City" vigorously, and jointly promote Hengyang's faster, more beautiful, and better development.


During breaks in the competition, the event also featured highly characteristic folk cultural performances, including the Hengdong Dragon Boat Tunes, Hengshan Yuebei Folk Songs, and Leiyang Tandiaolugudrum performances.


City leaders Liu Zhengxing, Liu Lihua, Zhou Yumei, Huang Li, Chen Liyang, Hu Guoxiong, and other deputy city-level and above leaders attended or presented awards.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289