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In Pics: Rural School Band in Hunan
From:新华网 | Date Add in:2024-06-07 15:02:31 [A  A]

Band members stage a performance in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024. (Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

HENGYANG, May 31 (Xinhua) -- In Miaoxi Primary School, there is a band with eight children, seven of whom are left-behind children, and the youngest is only 9 years old. Half a year ago, this remote rural primary school began to recruit volunteers with artistic talents, and Wen Jin, a music volunteer who runs a musical instrument shop, came to the school to teach music. Every Tuesday, Wen Jin would drive an hour and a half from the city through mountain roads to give music lessons to students. Thanks to the power of music, children in Miaoxi Primary School become more cheerful and confident.

Audience watch a band performance in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024.(Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

Band members stage a performance in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024.(Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

Music teacher Wen Jin (R) gives instruction to drummer Wu Jiaxin during a music lesson in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024.(Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

Band members stage a performance in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024. (Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

A band member sings during a performance in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024. (Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

Music teacher Wen Jin (R) gives a music lesson to a band in Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024. (Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

An aerial drone photo shows the Miaoxi Primary School in Goulou Town of Hengyang County, central China's Hunan Province, May 28, 2024.(Xinhua/Chen Zeguo)

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