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Liu Yuegao: Strive to create a comfortable and warm environment, allowing candidates to perform well and achieve dreams
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2024-06-08 19:21:47 [A  A]

With the 2024 National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) approaching, on the afternoon of June 6th, Liu Yuegao, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited some Gaokao examination sites to inspect the preparation work and to extend regards to the examination staff. He emphasized the importance of deeply studying and implementing the important expositions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping regarding education, enhancing political awareness, solidifying work responsibilities, conscientiously carrying out various organizational preparations for the Gaokao, rigorously implementing various service and security measures, and ensuring the smooth and safe conduct of the Gaokao.


It is reported that the 2024 National College Entrance Examination will take place from June 7th to 9th. The total number of Gaokao candidates in Hengyang City this year is 57,786, an increase of 2,544 from 2023. The city has a total of 8 examination areas, 39 examination sites, and 2,120 examination rooms. All examination sites in the city are equipped with electronic monitoring systems, 5G wireless signal shielding systems, intelligent broadcasting systems, intelligent security gates, handheld security detectors, and ID recognition facilities.

Liu Yuegao visited Hengyang No.6 Middle School and Hengyang No.2 Middle School examination sites successively. He inspected the implementation of food safety responsibilities in the student cafeteria, emphasizing the need to further strengthen food safety supervision and guarantee to ensure the foot safety for candidates. He also visited places such as the paper distribution room, video monitoring room, confidentiality room, and examination rooms to inspect the arrangement of examination rooms, equipment operation, and to understand in detail the examination arrangements, monitoring duties, logistical support, and implementation of confidentiality discipline, and extended regards to the examination staff, urging them to further refine and solidify various organizational work to ensure the smooth progress of the Gaokao.


Liu Yuegao emphasized that Gaokao concerns the fate of countless students and is a matter of great concern to the whole society. It is necessary to deepen understanding, assume responsibility, and earnestly grasp the management of examination affairs, strictly enforce examination discipline, and ensure fairness, justice, safety, and order in the Gaokao. It is necessary to conscientiously carry out service guarantee work, strengthen the management of examination sites and surrounding environments, enhance comprehensive guarantees such as transportation, accommodation, hygiene, and the mental health of candidates, strive to create a comfortable and warm examination environment for candidates, and enable them to perform well and achieve their dreams.


Municipal leaders Zhou Yumei, Xie Hong, and Yan Heping respectively participated in the relevant research.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289