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2024 National College Entrance Examination kicks off today, with 57,786 candidates in Hengyang
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2024-06-08 19:25:09 [A  A]

The highly anticipated 2024 National College Entrance Examination, taking place from June 7th to 9th, commences today. A total of 57,786 candidates from across the city will head to examination centers. On the afternoon of June 6th, examination rooms in our city opened, conducting security check drills on-site to help candidates familiarize themselves with the security check process and requirements, adjust their mentality, and adapt in advance.


On the afternoon of June 6th, examination centers across the city were open to candidates, who went to familiarize themselves with the layout and environment of the examination rooms in advance. Around 4 p.m., reporters observed at the No.1 Middle School examination center in the city that examination rooms were open to candidates. Students came successively to familiarize themselves with the examination center and rooms, and participated in security check drills. Xiao Ruiheng, a student from Henggang Middle School, said, "The facilities at the examination center are excellent, and I am confident about the Gaokao. Let's cheer each other on!"


It is reported that this year, the total number of Gaokao candidates in Hengyang City is 57,786, an increase of 2,544 from 2023. The city has a total of 8 examination areas and 39 examination sites, with 2,120 examination rooms. All examination sites in the city are equipped with electronic monitoring systems, 5G wireless signal shielding systems, intelligent broadcasting systems, intelligent security gates, handheld security detectors, and ID recognition facilities. Among them, there are 9 examination sites in the city's direct examination area, including Hengyang No.1 Middle School, Hengyang No.2 Middle School, Hengyang No.5 Middle School, Hengyang No.6 Middle School, Hengyang No.8 Middle School, Hengyang Tieyi Middle School, Hengyang Chuanshan English School, Hengyang Experimental High School, and Hengyang Vocational Secondary School; and there are a total of 30 examination sites in various counties and districts, including 6 in Leiyang City, 6 in Hengyang County, 4 in Hengnan County, 3 in Hengshan County, 3 in Hengdong County, 3 in Changning City, and 5 in Qidong County.

Translator: Jing

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
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