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On the first day of the National College Entrance Examination, Hengyang Public Security officers secure the exam
From:衡阳市政府门户网站 | Date Add in:2024-06-08 19:26:23 [A  A]

On June 7th, 2024, the 2024 Gaokao started. The Municipal Public Security Bureau meticulously deployed, mobilizing all police officers, to secure the examination. They conducted patrolling, traffic control, and serve candidates... Deputy Mayor and Director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Zhao Shengping, went to various examination sites to supervise and inspect the security work for the Gaokao and the implementation of caring measures by Hengyang Public Security, warmly comforting police officers and cheering them on.


The Municipal Public Security Bureau made careful preparations and formulated a comprehensive security plan for the Gaokao. They convened a deployment meeting on security work for the 2024 Gaokao for all public security agencies in the city, clarifying and refining the responsibilities of each type of police force, implementing the responsibility for Gaokao security work at every level, and sparing no effort to safeguard the safety of Gaokao candidates.


At 8 a.m., candidates and their parents converged from all directions at the No.1 Middle School examination site. The most conspicuous in the crowd were the police officers wearing navy blue uniforms. Some stood guard in line at the school gate, some maintained order on-site, and some provided services to students and parents. Traffic control had already been implemented on the roads at both ends of the school gate. Officers from the Zhengxiang Traffic Police Squadron directed the vehicles for dropping off candidates, ensuring smooth and orderly traffic around the examination site.


Hengyang Public Security set up Gaokao service stations at various examination sites to promptly assist candidates. On the morning of June 7th, the Yanfeng Sub-bureau of the Municipal Public Security Bureau issued temporary identity certificates for four candidates at the Municipal Vocational Secondary School examination site. On the eve of the exam, outside the No.1 Middle School examination site, a candidate forgot to bring their admission ticket. The Iron Cavalry team member of the Zhengxiang Traffic Police Squadron immediately drove a police motorcycle with the school's lead teacher to quickly retrieve the admission ticket and deliver it to the candidate.

Translator: Jing


Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
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