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Hunan:Issues Regulations to Promote Digital Economy
From:湖南政府网 | Date Add in:2024-07-05 15:44:20 [A  A]

A set of regulations on the promotion of digital economy in Hunan Province come into effect, providing legal support for high-quality development of Hunan's digital economy. 

The regulations comprise 26 items covering areas such as digital infrastructure construction; data resources development and utilization; digital technology and digital ecological innovation; digital industrialization and industrial digitalization; and, supportive guarantees for digital economy.

The document stipulates that any plans concerning digital infrastructure construction shall meet the needs of digital economic development and align with the province's efforts in infrastructure fields such as transportation, electricity, municipal tasks, and public security. Some operational mechanisms of property rights will be established separately, including data resource ownership, data processing use rights, and data product management rights. An open public data directory will be complied to disclose public data in a category- and class-based manner and in accordance with the law and regulations.

The regulations specify responsibilities of the governments and related departments.

The provincial government and related departments shall give priority to the following two aspects:

-- promote the establishment of technological innovation system for the digital economy, focusing on breakthroughs in basic algorithm and other core technologies in key fields such as artificial intelligence, integrated circuit, advanced computing, industrial software, and quantum information; and,

-- increase overall planning of the province's digital industrialization development, placing emphasis on fostering key digital industrial clusters covering semiconductor and integrated circuit; BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) and satellite internet; next-generation independent secure computing system; intelligent robot; software and information technology service; digital creative industry; digital health; audio and video; and, block chain and quantum information.

Governments at county level and above and related departments shall exert their efforts in the following aspects:

-- support digital transformation of industrial enterprises;

-- encourage intellectualized reconstruction of stations, production lines, workshops, and factories in the manufacturing industry and intelligent upgrades of products;

-- coordinate the construction of new-type smart cities; and

-- promote intelligent and creative application in urban governance, people's wellbeing, living environment, industrial development, and public security.

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289