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Figures Reflecting Development: Explanations of Economic Work Meeting of Hengyang Municipal Party Committee
From: | Date Add in:2016-11-03 15:30:00 [A  A]
     The annual economic work meeting of municipal Party committee always teems with hot news, among which figures are always the first to draw the concerns of citizens.

    A Report Card
    Looking back at the economic situation of Hengyang in 2014, the all-year economy has maintained steady and rapid growth. Over the past eleven months, the city has fulfilled 19.9 billion yuan of general financial revenue, up 13%, ranking first in Hunan province; 156.1billion yuan of fixed assets investment, up 23%; 73.8 billion yuan of total retail sales of social consumer goods with a rise of 12.9%, 2.56 billion yuan of imports and exports with an increase of 65.7%, ranking the fourth in the province.  

    Three New Understanding
    An exact and deep understanding of international and domestic macro-economy situation is the premise and foundation of the economic work next year. Based on the phase characteristics of “superposition of three periods”, the central authorities made a significant strategic choice under new normal condition of our country’s economic development. We should grasp the profound connotation of new normal condition combining the reality of Hengyang to fully understand the it, grasp new demands, seize new opportunities and seek for new development.      

    A New Target
    In 2015, Hengyang will strive for achieving an increase of 9% in regional GDP with a rise of 9.5%, 11% in general financial revenue with a rise of 12%, over 20% in fixed assets investment in the whole society, more than 12.5% in total retail sales of social consumer goods, over 20% in exports and imports, over 9.5% in rising value of scale industry. The income of urban and rural residents is expected to increase by 10% and 11% respectively with registered unemployment rate in cities and towns under 4.5%. The obligatory tasks like energy conservation and emission reduction, etc, will be completed according to the tasks assigned by the province.     

    Five Major Work
    Centering on the newly proposed targets, government will attach great importance to project construction to stabilize growth, innovation to adjust structure, reform to add new vitality, coordination to strengthen foundation and people’s livelihood to boost harmony.

    Three Specific Requirements
    As the leading heart of various undertakings, the Party should update its concept, system and ways to keep pace with the new normal condition. Party committees at each level citywide must constantly consolidate and improve Party leadership of economic work. Firstly, obey economic rules; secondly, root the rule of law in mind deeply; thirdly, constantly improve ruling abilities.

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289