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Ministry of Education Investigates the Reform of School Aesthetic Education Evaluation
From:衡阳党政门户网 | Date Add in:2019-07-27 09:08:00 [A  A]

In order to effectively implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the National Education Conference, further implement the "Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening and Improving the Aesthetic Education in Schools in an All-round Way" and the "Notice of the Ministry of Education on Issuing the Three Documents of"Measures for the Evaluation of the Artistic Quality of Primary and Junior High School Students",we should carry out deeply and strengthen the improvement of the evaluation of school aesthetic education, establish and improve a scientific and effective evaluation system and specific implementation methods. According to the Ministry of Education's "Working Program for the Implementation of Educational Evaluation Reform Research", the provinces surveyed this time are: Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province, Hunan Province, Yunnan Province, Henan Province, Shanxi Province, Sichuan Province.Each province surveys 1-2 places(cities).

From December 18 to 19, the Ministry of Education's research group came to our city to carry out a special survey on deepening the reform of school aesthetic education evaluation.Members of the research team include the Art Committee of the Ministry of Education, the director of the Aesthetic Education Research Center of Hunan Normal University, the professor, the doctoral tutor Guo Shengjian, the deputy director of the Department of Physical,Health and Arts Education of Ministry of Education, Chen Xun, and the art researcher of the Hubei Institute of Education Sciences, Xiang Li, the deputy dean of the Conservatory of Music of Northeast Normal University, Professor, Liu Xin.

The research group heard a special report on the incorporation of art into the entrance examination of high school from the Department of Physical,Health and Arts Education of the Municipal Bureau of Education.A Symposium of administrative cadres, school principals, music and art teachers and students was held.Teachers' questionnaires, students' questionnaires and students' parents' questionnaires were conducted.

At the same time, the research group also conducted field research in Chengzhang Experimental Middle School and Henyang NO.8 High School.The principals of Hengyang No. 1 High School, Hengyang No. 2 High School, Hengyang No. 8 High School, Heng gang High School, Hengyang Experimental Middle School, Chengzhang Experimental Middle School, Dai Yingling Middle School, the principals in charge, music and art teachers and music and art teaching and research faculty of the Municipal Research Institute of Education participated in the discussion.The Municipal Culture, Sports, Radios and Television Press and Publication Bureau and other relevant departments attended the special report meeting.

The Research Group believes that Hengyang has made a solid and beneficial exploration on the evaluation of school aesthetic education, which provides a reference for the scientific decision-making and top-level design of the Ministry of Education.

Sponsored by Hengyang Municipal People's Government, Undertaken by Hengyang Normal University
Co-sponsored by Information Office of Hengyang Municipal People's Government Technical Support & Design:Hengyang Normal University
ICP NO:05002289